Halle (Saale)Nursing / Medical Professions (m/f/d)
Looking for a patient,experienced and professional nursing to work in caring for the elderly in well- known nursing home in Germany, (m/f/d)
With the following terms and conditions :
- Male and Female, age 21-43 years.
- Nursing graduated.
- Full time work, 160 hours/month.
- Sallary ab 15 €/hour, 2.400€/month Gross.
- Extra overtime pay.
- 50% Christmas money of salarry amount.
- Job Insurance
- 30 days off a year.
- 3 years work contract, can be extended by agreement.
- occupation : Caring for the elderly, taking blood,blood pressure,preparing medicine for elderly patients,etc.
- Information : Cost of living in one month in Halle ( Saale) city, Germany, around 600€.